New MCRT® 48700V/49700V/59700V Digital Torquemeters
MCRT® Digital Torquemeters output ±10V or ±5V analogs of torque, speed (optional) and power (optional) as well as engineering unit data via a resident com port. PC interface software furnished. They are available in two accuracy grades, 0.05% and 0.1%. Ranges from 25 to 4,000,000 lbf-in.
New MCRT® 48200V Compact Digital Torquemeters
MCRT® 48200V Compact Digital Torquemeters output ±10V or ±5V analog of torque as well as engineering unit data via a resident com port. PC interface software furnished. They are available in two accuracy grades, 0.2% and 0.15%. Ranges from 25 to 10,000 lbf-in.
Solid Flanged Reaction Torquemeters Himmelstein Series 2200
S. Himmelstein and Company introduced the 2200 Series Solid Flanged Reaction Torquemeters. These stationary sensors accurately measure static and dynamic torque of rotating and non-rotating drivelines. They are expected to find wide use in industrial torque measurement and control applications.
Outstanding features include short overall length and high torsional stiffness. Sensing elements for low capacity models are manufactured from an aluminum alloy, larger units use 15-5PH stainless steel. Because they have no bearings or rotating parts, no maintenance is required.
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Intelligent High Speed, High Resolution Four Channel Analog Inputs Panel Meters
The 3924 series digital panel meters are the most versatile and powerful meters on the market. The meters 6 digit display, high speed measurement (4/sec.) update rate makes this the perfect choice for those most demanding applications. The 3900 also includes 4 assignable front keys, 2 assignable remote inputs and a variety of menu lockout features.
The 3924 offers four input channels with a fifth channel for mathematical calculations. Standard formula includes sum and AVG. A complete math pack is in the 3924 firmware. Please contact ATC for implementing your specific equation.
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Ratemeter/Totalizer/Batch Contoller
The 3820 Process Display offers many outstanding features. The high visibility 6-digit red LED display features large 0.5" sevensegment characters. User-selectable digital scale and offset converts the input signal to any desired unit of measure. The 3820 is available in 4-20 mA (3820-27), 0-5VDC (3820-23), and 0-10VDC (3820-25). A rugged aluminum case and NEMA 4 front cover is standard.
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CF2700 Series Reaction Torquemeters
We are pleased to announce the new, CF2700 Series NEMA C-Face Reaction Torquemeters. These devices mount between a NEMA C-Face motor and its load. When installed, they sense the motor or load torque. They respond to dynamic and static inputs and are expected to find wide use in industrial measurement and control applications. Outstanding features include simple, low-cost installation and 0.1 percent accuracy's. Because they have no bearings or rotating parts, they require no maintenance. Their ability to handle 500% overloads assures reliability in demanding industrial applications. Two types are available; one outputs 0 to ±10 Volts and the other, a 2-wire transmitter outputs 4 to 20 milliamperes. Their measurement bandwidth is dc to 1,000 hertz. Those outputs are compatible with standard motor controllers and data acquisition systems.
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Tension & Compression Load Cell From Futek
FUTEK L2920 PANCAKE LOAD CELL is a direct replacement for the Lebow Model 3132, the latest product of their Advanced Sensor Technology designs. It is a one piece construction design with multiple parallel beams and a fixed centre guide which helps to compensate for extraneous loads and moment situations. With is reduced size, advanced construction of PH 17-4 heat treated stainless steel, with built-in tension base for in-line loading and improved off-center load capabilities, positions this sensor as an excellent product for Automation companies. Product is available from 250 to 5000 lbs capacity, immediate delivery.
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Dual Range, DC Operated Non-Contact Torquemeters
The MCRT® 79000V series was developed to accurately measure torque when the ratio of peak to average torque is high. In that situation, a conventional torquemeter must be oversized to avoid damage - a process which greatly reduces accuracy. Conditions that create high peak to average ratios include starting, stopping or reversing inertial loads, torsional oscillations, and diesel and single cylinder engine/compressor drives. Additional, when peak torque's are unknown, an MCRT 79000V reduces the risk of damage from unexpected or accidental torque spikes.
An MCRT 79000V can accurately measure low running torque and high transient spikes without the expense of using several conventional sensors.
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Model 721 Mechanical Power Instrument
These advanced instruments provide engineering unit display of a strain gage (mV/V) input and a frequency input. They also compute power and perform 21 functions including limit checks, tare, hold, and max/min capture. You needn't write code or add hardware to be up-and-running a productive test.
The two line alphanumeric readout displays measured and computed data, units of measure and test status. Transducer calibrations are fully automatic, requiring no manual adjustments.
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LVDT Conditioners
These instruments are full featured conditioner/readouts; the Model 704 handles one and the Model 744 handles two LVDT inputs. Both provide fast accurate data for each input. Built-in processing functions and real time digital calculations make the model 704/744 powerful test analyzers with easily configured characteristics. No need to write code or add hardware to be up and running a productive test.
The alphanumeric readout displays measured and computed data, units of measure and test status. It guides you with English language prompts. There are no manual adjustments. Calibration is simple; enter the full scale in engineering units and the instrument provides 0.01% accuracy and +/- and/or +/-10V analog outputs at full scale. Keystrokes access measured data, derived data, stored data, limit status, and/or I/O status without test disruption. User set values may be password protected, when needed.
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ShockLog Shock Recorder
The ShockLog is a programmable, re usable electronic, tri-axial shock recorder designed specifically to help organisations to reduce the cost of damage to goods whether in production, transit or storage. A battery life of up to 12 months allows you to understand the entire supply chain life of your product and the conditions it experiences. More importantly it tells you when incorrect physical handling, poor quality packaging or inappropriate temperature and humidity control will have damaged the quality of your product,
your reputation and your cash flow.
The comprehensive Windows based software programme allows you to programme your own wake up, warning and alarm levels and frequency of data collection. When a programmed impact levelis exceeded a visual alarm will alert you as well as storing the data for future analysis.
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4 Channel Strain Gauge Meter
- Math Channel for Summing Inputs, and 4 Anlog Outputs
The D3924 series Strain Gauge Meters are the most versatile and powerful meters on the market. The meter's 6 digit display, high speed measurement (20/sec. update rate) makes this the perfect choice for the most demanding applications. The D3900 also includes 4 analog and 4 alarm relay outputs, 4 assignable front keys, 2 assignable remote inputs and a variety of menu lockout features. Combine all this with its good looks, industrialized aluminum case, NEMA 4X construction, 13 indicating LED's, and snap-action buttons.
The D3924 offers four input channels with a fifth channel for mathematical calculations. Standard formula includes sum and AVG. A complete math pack is in the D3924 firmware.
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7700 Laser Series
The 7700 Series laser provides a method for photoelectric detection of a small object over long distances. The laser diode sensing device maintains a tiny spot size, with little divergence over distances up to 160 feet using a 2" x 2" retroflector. This allows for long range detection of small objects. The unit provides precise leading and trailing edge detection of products on conveyors and packaging machinery. Sensing of very tightly spaced small objects is also possible for purposes of counting and batching.
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