Instronics is proud to supply products from the following manufacturers:
- ATC Digitec and Westcon Divisions
ATC DigiTec and Westcon Divisions - Digital Panel Meters, PID Controllers, Temperature Controllers, Printers, Sensors, Totalizers
- Futek
Futek Sensors - Load Cells, Torque Sensor, Pressure Sensors, Strain Gauge.
- Himmelestein
Torquemeters, Torque Sensors, Torque Transducers from S. Himmelstein and Company.
- Lamerholm Electronics
Accelerometers, Tri-Axial Recorders, innovative development solutions to your sensor based problems, talk to the sensor experts at Lamerholm Electronics.
- Migatron
Migatron Ultrasonic Sensors, Remote Sensing Heads, Set Point Controllers.
- Shockwatch
Shockwatch Products - Shockswitch ID, Shockswitch RFID, Shockswitch SC 1000