Your simple impact-sensing solution for controlling forklift damage
Shockswitch is a major step toward controlling forklift damage at your facilities. Shockswitch is an impact sensor that mounts easily on almost any material-handling vehicle. If the vehicle is bumped beyond the impact level you select, the Shockswitch will sound an internal audible alarm. Only a key can turn off the alarm and reset the unit.
Shockswitch is an integral component of any quality/safety program. Installation on your forklift fleet, together with a driver orientation meeting, will quickly put a stop to careless operations and create a safer, more efficient and productive work environment.
Patented Adjustable Sensor
The Shockswitch incorporates two shock sensors that enable you to activate the appropriate sensor for either a vertical or horizontal installation by simply pushing a switch. In our effort to make the Shockswitch even more user friendly, the magnetic sensor may be adjusted for the desired G level by simply turning a dial. Four sensitivity ranges are available allowing adjustment from .3 to 15 Gs.
Enhanced Security
Shockswitch is designed with customization in mind. You have the option of a tamperproof barrel lock key switch that eliminates the possibility of unauthorized duplication. You can also order a remote controlled alarm reset and test key option that allows for mounting under or inside the lift to prevent tampering. We also offer enclosures and tamperproof screws to accommodate any security situation.
What To Expect
Our sales consultants will aid in you in designing a program based around your company's management style and/or safety programs. In fact, standard tools are available to aid you in program development.
- Bumper Stickers
- Driver Incident Tracking Forms
- Comprehensive product documentation
The Shockswitch program blends easily into your safety programs, and depending upon your particular management style, you my want to institute levels of disciplinary action into their own programs. For example:
- A given number of incidents may trigger a driver review that may result in a transfer or retraining.
- If drivers are involved in a serious accident or an injury situation, a drug test may be mandatory or further training may be required.
- After the shakedown period is complete, repeated incidents of abusive driving habits may be cause for dismissal.
Features Comparison Table
From self contained units to optional lift accessory operations, Shockswitch has options for every type of lift as well as every type of management style. Click here for a comparison of our products.
Specifications - SC Series (manual key switch unit)
Power Requirements:
9-volt lithium, 9-volt alkaline, or attached to lift power
4.5" x 4.5" x 2.5"
Shock Range:
M Sensor .3 to 2G
A Sensor .5 to 3G
B Sensor 1 to 7G
C Sensor 3 to 15G
360º (single plane)
Polycarbonate (4x rating)
Adjustable (Magnetic)
Alarm Volume:
Humidity Resistance:
0% - 100% non-condensing
Shock Resistance:
40 G @ 11 sec.
Vibration Resistance:
12 G @ 10 to 55 Hz.
Nema 4x
Operating Temperature:
20°C to -60°C